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Chilling Campaign Shows the Power of Digital Billboards

Earlier this year, Coral Jones and Kate McCann of London, England, revealed a digital billboard campaign that focuses on bringing home abducted children. Both women had their daughters taken and wanted to dedicate their efforts to bring children home safely. This campaign includes Child Rescue Alerts so that a simple click can notify millions of people when a child has disappeared.


Their digital billboard campaign includes pictures of both women’s daughters and phrases such as “If your child went missing, wouldn’t you want the world to stop and look for them?” Even just reading about this campaign has given us chills because we know how powerful digital billboard advertising can be.

The billboards will be at prominent locations around the UK. The goal is to reach one million more people on top of the 25,000 people that have already signed up to receive the Child Rescue Alerts.

When Coral Jones was interviewed on her new campaign, she stated, “I am so relieved that this new Child Rescue Alert system has been created. The search for my beautiful April ended in tragedy and that is why I want to do everything I can to make sure that the next time a child is taken or in danger we can bring them home safely…You could save a child’s life.”

Kate McCann, the Missing People Ambassador, when asked about the campaign, stated, “When a child is abducted, families are devastated and entire communities are torn apart. The agony of not knowing where your child is, is almost impossible to imagine. The helplessness is at times overwhelming. But there is now something we can all do to help.”


The campaign regularly publicizes pictures of children that have gone missing. So far, the digital billboard campaign has helped recover 220 missing people in the United Kingdom.

McCann commented on the results, saying, “Thanks to the Outdoor Media Centre and its members, so many families missing a loved one have benefited from this unique opportunity to appeal for them…This milestone is a special moment and one the industry should feel very proud of.”


Most of the time we just think of billboards as a means for telling people about a product, but this campaign reveals how billboards can even be used to help children to find their way home. The best companies to use them, however are probably companies with a large base of customers.

It works, because instead of having to go out and find your customers, your customers will find your advertising. Nearly three-quarters of billboard viewers shop on their way home from work; more than two-thirds make their shopping decisions while in the car and more than one-third make the decision to stop at the store while on their way home at all times when billboard advertising has the opportunity to be influential.

There are about 450,000 billboards in the United States. Only a small percentage of those are digital. NomADicgenius can help you stand out because this small percentage of businesses offer new advantages, versatility and flexibility. Advertisers can change their message as often as they’d like.  Plus, there are no production or installation charges.

Your digital billboards can be just as powerful as those of the missing children. If you would like to learn more about digital billboards, their uses and results, contact nomADicgenius. We would be happy to inform you of the options that are available to you and your business.

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